European Digital Industry Alliance (DIA)

AKTANTIS est coordinateur du projet DIA – European Digital Industry Alliance.
The main objective of the project is to build-up a partnership of world leading clusters to configure a “European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International” focused on internationalization of digital technologies applied to manufacturing and industry (also called “Industry 4.0”). This European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP-4i) will lead clusters to increase their competitiveness and innovation potential for internationalization with a European coherence, fostering international cooperation among SMEs, and enhance innovation. The global value chain will be structured around an innovative transnational collaborative approach focused on cross-sectoral collaboration to commercialize the different technologies, product and services jointly in the field of digital technologies applied to manufacturing and industry developed by the clusters (and their SMEs) in international markets that will be identified in the project.
The project will provide a better understanding of the most effective ways to improvecross-sectoral collaboration between clusters at a European interregional level in order todevelop and commercialize frontline innovations internationally. Besides, although focused on digital technology in the manufacturing field, the universality of the method will allow developing other global value chain with other regions and in other technology domains, a very useful approach to build-up regional smart specialization strategies.
Evènements :
- 13 Septembre 2018, Turin – MESAP Study Visit – En savoir plus ICI
- 14 Septembre 2018, Turin – Opportunités RDV Business « Industrie du Futur » avec des industriels italiens – En savoir plus ICI
- 14 Mai 2019 – Workshop durant plénière IoT – En savoir plus ICI
- 3 et 4 Septembre 2019, Allemagne – Présentation des partenaires du projet (BNPT, MESAP, Pole SCS, TICE.PT and MITC)
- 25-27 Septembre 2019, Eskilstuna, Suède – MITC Study Visit
- 29 Octobre 2019 – Conférence « Digital Industry: disruptive solutions to shape the future of SMEs » durant IoTSWC 2019 – Plus d’informations ICI
Détails du projet :
- Programme : COSME
- Durée : 1/12/2017 – 1/12/2019
- Coordinateur : Aktantis
Partenariat :
- MITC (Suède)
- GAIA (Espagne)
- MESAP Innovation Cluster (Italie)
- TICE.PT (Portugal)
- BalticNet-PlasmaTec e.V. (Allemagne)
Communication :
- Site Web ICI
- Digital Industry Alliance (DIA) Newsletter July 2018 – A consulter ICI
- Digital Industry Alliance (DIA) Newsletter July 2018 – A consulter ICI
The DIA project has received funding from the European Union’s Cosme programme under grant agreement n° 783390
Actualités du projet :
Les 12 et 13 septembre 2022, Aktantis a accueilli le consortium DREAM pour la réunion de lancement du projet, afin de coordonner les actions du projet, le rôle de chaque partenaire et la mise en place des activités et des étapes de la première période du projet.

This project has received funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Agreement number – 620101-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-COVE

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