Project leader
INSIDE SECURE, ActiveEon, LEGRAND, STIC (Société Technique Ingénierie et Coopération), SONIM, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, LCIS Valence, ENSMSE, Université de Tours, IETR - Institut d'électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes, LIP6 - Université Paris 6, Université de Marne la Vallée, ESEOFunders
SPINNAKER is a unique European project sponsored by the OSEO, a public company that finances the biggest innovation projects. SPINNAKER brings together 9 research laboratories highly specialized in Radio Frequency (RF) and related technology areas.
SPINNAKER’s goal is to break down RFID’s technological barriers and face major industrial challenges in order to democratize RFID and NFC systems for the benefit of our day-to-day activities in the retail, healthcare and remote tolling sectors. Mobile. These challenges are:
– The miniaturization of technology: the integration and miniaturization of RFID systems requires new technologies and methodologies that are brought together in this project.
– Inter-connectivity, or large scale deployment. RFID, like the Internet, interacts with many communicating contexts (workplace, home, mobile phone, shopping centers, etc.). The resulting new economy of new services based on RFID will require a comprehensive and comprehensive infrastructure.