Key Technologies

Internet of Things – IoT

IoT technologie clé de AKTANTIS

IoT revolution in progress


At the core of this ecosystem, the connected objects are usually objects which main purpose is not to be computer peripherals or web access interface (e.g. toothbrush, industrial machine…), but much more i.e; objects granted with an internet connexion that can bring added value in terms of functionalities, information delivered, and interactions with the environment or usages.

L’IoT grand public ou industriel constitue la prochaine grande révolution des réseaux.

The IoT represents the Third revolution for the internet and digital world development. It will strongly impact the economy by bringing up new technological innovations and new opportunities for all sectors of the economy and all social issues.

Major technological challenges

Multiprotocol integration and aggregation

Multifrequency antenna

Miniaturization and antenna integration

Printed electronics for wearables

Autonomy and energy consumption management

Energy controlled AI for objects and gateways

IoT objects and solutions security 


AKTANTIS has set up a dedicated working group to encourage innovations and R&D projects around the IoT.



A network of 150 partners

85% of startups et PMEs

324 million € R&D invested in 80 R&D projects funded up to 118 million €<

>23% turnover annual growth over the 5 past years<

Technologies for high-growth markets

To access markets and customers, AKTANTIS has since 2013 launched “Market Meetings” with technology providers and major contractors for networking, for project launch or Proof Of Concepts.

These target markets are:

  • Health
  • Smart Cities
  • Industry 4.0
  • Transport and Mobility
  • Smart Vehicle