
SCS is a partner of the ECoVEM project.

Microelectronics is one of the most growing technologies, and training in this domain is crucial. An approach based on partnership between education and industry is necessary to promote the development of technological skills as well as soft skills, in adequacy with new job positions and recruitment needs in microelectronics.

In this context, microelectronics is one of the six industrial sectors that have been selected by the European Commission for the development of centre of vocational excellence, as part of the ERASMUS+ programme.

ECoVEM project brings together VET (Vocational Education and Training) centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to establish a European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics. ECoVEM builds on and complements the strengths of national VET systems in countries with more-advanced VET and supports the not-so-advanced regions to achieve VET excellence. ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches towards life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystems-based theoretical models and performance support systems.

The final outcome of ECoVEM is to establish a European education framework which is better adapted to the labour market changes, relying on partnerships between business and education.

Innovative training programs will be delivered by ECoVEM, covering a large spectrum of the European Qualification Framework, from EQF 3 to EQF 8.

ECoVEM will also promote the dissemination of examples of applications in microelectronics to tackle the challenges of digitalisation, green energies, automation, space technologies, health, in order to increase the attractiveness of microelectronics, as a response to the increased labour needs of companies.


Events :


  • 20/11/2020 : kick-off meeting


Project details :


  • Program : ERASMUS+
  • Duration : 48 months (01/11/2020 – 31/10/2024)
  • Coordinator : Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)


Project Partners :



Communication :



Contact :


Marielle Campanella –


This project has received funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Agreement  number – 620101-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-COVE