Project leader
Autonomous Portable Object with huge Embedded Energy Storage
Energy accessible to the mobile objects is a key element which strongly dimensions the integration of new applications but also their use; project AMPEERS aims at obtaining the energy autonomy of wandering objects “smart” (smart cards, connected objects, “wearables smart” secure as well as biomedical patchs). Several solutions will be treated; a storage based on a new generation of solid battery Li (Li, Air), a storage ensured by a super condenser high density of energy and the hybridization of the two systems in order to profit at the same time from a capacity from power and one lifetime from primary education storage (weak discharge); the possibilities of the super condenser will make it possible to answer pulsate of consumption without damaging storage and lengthening the life time of the system (more than 5 years). It should be noted importance of the primary education storage of high density which must answer energy permanence within the map or of the “secure intelligent wearable” which embarks clocks necessary to synchronizations. In each case of the important technological jumps will be realized related to the densities of energy, with the had a presentiment of electric characteristics and their integration in flexible and fine systems. A system of recuperation of energy will be developed and associated with one of the demonstrators. The products concerned will be a map with screen and a medical patch integrating an energy source and an interface contactless. Scenarios of industrialisation will be proposed.