Project leader
STMicroelectronics, ENSMSE, TIMA INP Grenoble, Université St Etienne (LaHC), CEA LETI (CMP)Funders
Electromagnetic analysis and injection on secure circuits.
The EMAISeCi project is dedicated to the study of vulnerabilities appearing at the hardware level during the physical implementation of cryptographic algorithms.
Two families of attacks will be studied:
– attacks by / hidden channels / exploiting the correlation between the manipulated data and the electromagnetic radiation of the component (EMA) to recover the encryption keys,
– Faults / Differential Analysis (DFA) attacks exploiting the information leak caused during a faulty operation of the circuit caused by the injection of a fault.
The innovative nature of this project lies in the exploration of new methods of exploitation of the EM measurements carried out in view of an EMA attack and in the use of the EM medium to make the injection of faults in a circuit, this last point having been little treated so far.
This project must allow a better understanding of the physical phenomena involved and their experimental application. Its purpose is to propose new principles for the safe evaluation of circuits against these attacks and to validate adapted countermeasures.