Project leader
ACTILITY, SEQUANS, ABEEWAY, ORANGE Sophia Antipolis, EURECOM, LEAT - Laboratoire D'Electronique, Antennes Et Télécommunications UMR Cnrs 6071 - UNSFunders
Multi-standard geolocation for the Internet of Things
According to the operators, a significant share of the applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) requires the geolocation (management of fleets of vehicles, applications related to the security in the broad sense,…). The geolocation of the connected objects, in outside and interior, and in particular its precision at a reduced cost (economic and energy), is thus a major stake. Project GEOLOC proposes to study, develop and try out innovating techniques of multichannel geolocation. The standards which will be used are as well the standards using the free bands (LoRa, WiFi, Bluetooth low energy (WHEAT)) that the cellular technologies derived from the LTE/4G.
Project GEOLOC aims in particular:
- To combine information from the various standards supported by an object (LoRa, LTE-M) but also (WHEAT, Wifi, GPS), as well as various sensors (barometer, accelerometer) to improve the precision of the geolocation (fusion of given) while controlling consumption
- In a way complementary to the primary goal, to improve the existing techniques of geolocation
- To use information of geolocation to improve the effectiveness of the transmissions between the object and the infrastructure
- To minimize the total consumption of the infrastructure and the connected object