Project leader
OCamlPro, SNCF Réseau, RATP, Université Paris Sud, Université Paris 6Funders
Low Cost HighIntegrity Platform
Project LCHIP aims at largely facilitating the development of sure applications to high level of criticality while providing:
– an environment of complete development allowing to generate and prove mathematically and automatically software with limited algorithmy,
– a secure platform and at low cost for the execution of these application, in order to guarantee a maximum level of safety.
Transparent integration with languages trade (DSL) and third line productions of code authorize a deployment without pain in existing development processes and support the exploitation of technology apart from the consortium.
Project LCHIP agglomerates scientific results got during 20 last years as well as an experience feedback of the use of formal methods for construction of sure systems, while achieving a significant opening in terms of software engineering.
The creation consortium counts:
– two suppliers of technology (ClearSy, OcamlPro) which will make it possible to develop the infrastructure of platform LCHIP,
– three laboratories (IFSTTAR, LIP6, LRI) which will make it possible to create and enrich the structure of modeling internal by workshop LCHIP,
– two industrial expert clients (the RATP, the SNCF) which either will evaluate technology LCHIP thanks to significant cases of studies of the railway field, or will give an opinion as for certification EN50128 T3 of the software chain of development.
Technology LCHIP will make it possible to improve the security of the citizens by democratizing the use of sure applications to high level of criticality whose deployment is limited for economic reasons.
The analysis of the results will be done through:
– the sure system development, in the railway field and with the international one
– the marketing of the platform and associated services
– brevetage of technology LCHIP.