Project leader
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de MarseillePartners
Orange Labs, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de LilleFunders
Recognition of people in audiovisual content.
The goal of the PERCOL project is to participate in the REPERE challenge by aggregating within the same consortium partners from industry (Orange Labs) and academic (LIA, LIF, LIFL). The complementarity of these partners makes it possible to structure the PERCOL project in three axes:
1) Use of existing technologies to cover the different modalities foreseen in the REPERE challenge.
2) Development of innovative lines of research, within the framework of REPERE, and allowing the crossing of different scientific “cultures” (audio, text, video) and the advancement of the state of the art. art about the main task of the challenge.
3) Introduction of the concept of use in the development and optimization of the people detection systems that will be developed to participate in the REPERE challenge assessments.