Project leader
Higlands Technologies SolutionsPartners
BBright, INL - Institut Non Linéaire de NiceFunders
Speckle Loss - Protocole de mesure de speckle en environnement cinema
The project Speculoos (Speckle Loss) aims at advancing research in the field of the reduction of speckle and its measurement. The arrival of sources of light containing lasers in the projectors of cinema and more generally in video-projection brings many advantages like the reduction of electricity consumption, the obstruction but also a better control of the color, contrast and the removal of dangerous gases present in the current lamps.
But the use of a strongly coherent source of light like the laser, generates also phenomena of interferences which are characterized in the image projected by the appearance of a indésirée granular structure called the speckle. It is thus essential to be able to use the laser technology in video-projection to model, measure, minimize or remove this speckle in order to guarantee a quality of optimal projection to the spectators.