Project leader
I3S - UNSAPartners
, Université de LilleFunders
YourCast: Imagine your news broadcaster.
Today, the digital signage on public and private places participates in the information of the people, whether or not it is assisted by information on a mobile terminal. Resulting from a convergence between the Web 2.0 and the intensification of the uses of computer supports, it becomes an essential medium of communication varying according to the context. Its expansion requires fast, reliable and adaptable production of information broadcasters (DI). The objective of the project is to develop a line of DI that takes into account the intrinsic variability of this type of software products while minimizing the costs and time of realization and adaptation. Two cases of large-scale use, ubiquitous university campus and associative gatherings, serve as demonstrators. The project targets a dissemination of free software, transfer of know-how and applications in the institutional and event sectors.